We have always had purebred cattle and we have always had a passion for raising them. We helped chase cows before we were old enough to go to school and can remember helping Dad pick out cull cows while in junior high. "That cow had a poor calf-she should be a cull." "Yes but she is such a good looking cow-maybe she'll do better next year." That changed when we bought a scale in 1972. Every calf - commercial and purebred - got weighed in the Fall and indexed together. No more next year cows, they got culled. We started our own AI program in 1974-our entire herd has been bred AI to the very best bulls in the industry since then. Breeding AI means never being outbid for the bull we want. We have scale-weighed every calf born registered and commercial since 1980. We have ultra-sounded every purebred calf since 2005. The last number of years we have graded every cow for feet and have scored her udder the day she calved.
Our passion to raise the very best continues to this day. Right since 1972 we have sold many decent mid-aged pregnant cows. We calve out just over 200 females each year and try to keep the very best genetics. All the bottom end feet and udder scored cattle get culled and often it means selling an expensive cow because she didn't measure up. Our passion continues.
Our passion to raise the very best continues to this day. Right since 1972 we have sold many decent mid-aged pregnant cows. We calve out just over 200 females each year and try to keep the very best genetics. All the bottom end feet and udder scored cattle get culled and often it means selling an expensive cow because she didn't measure up. Our passion continues.